Monday, April 14, 2008

It so strange

Its so strange how things work sometimes... everyone does a little bit of self reflection once in a while, which is good.. for some people they do it a little more if they find it good for them ... however not for me.. excessive self reflection is not good..

i already am a thinker otherwise why would i be writing and talking about this out of no where... and its definitely not because i was doing some self relfection.. just that recently i had a friend who found me on facebook suddenly and we chatted and he revealed that he does a lot of reflection... but not all the time self reflection, but he reflects on other people's mistakes as well, as a reminder to himself not to make that same kind of mistake..

well yesterday i had a conversation with a friend and the topic of "The List" came up.. inspired by the movie " The Bucket List" and apparently this friend has a list or not really a list but rather changed his mindset about certain things where he would not have done or tired in the past... haha he has converted to the dark side... yicks.. well in the past there were somethings i wouldn't have done.. but than i guess things change as anyone gets older and more mature.. its really having a different way of looking at things and doing things.. which may not be right by the person sitting next to you..

But whose standards are we living by? Our own or the person sitting next to us? So oh well heck if the person sitting next to you cannot accept what you like or what you like to do... maybe the general rule is that so long as no one gets hurt huh?

AND one thing for sure i sure as hell am excited for my friend who has crossed over to the dark side... hehe at least there are things that we can share and maybe try it together!! yoo hoo!!
Hurray for life.. for its only one and i am making it as beautiful and enjoying it for as long a life i get to live.

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